How to reset comodo IS 2011

How or where can I reset Comodo IS to default. Sometimes my customers click on a pop-up without reading or not knowing what the pop-up asks and then Internet is gone or programs will not run and so on.

Is there an easy way to reset the firewall or D+ to default of where do I find and delete these changes?


I see there is a Topic here hope I get still answers on a solved item :-[

Yes they are. The rules are stored in the registry and not in a file.

and how do I import them in the same comodo?
Go to Manage My Configurations, navigate to the CIS installation folder and give the new configuration an applicable name. This way it will be side by side with other configurations

When choosing to export a configuration it will be stored in a .cfgx file. Hopefully the customer did not choose to overwrite one of these files.

OK, some questions to understand.

  • There are 3 files, can I import them all at once?
  • Why do I have to give the original files a name at import?

No, you will have import them one by one. In practice you will probably only want to import the factory settings of the one configuration that was in use but got messed up.

- Why do I have to give the original files a name at import?
That is for practical reasons. For the situation you want to edit something in the previous configuration. Beter mee verlegen dan om verlegen... to but put it in a well known Dutch phrase.