How to Purge the Policy

As of verson “3.5.57173.439”, Comodo Internet Security keeps the D+ Policy in the registry, and whenever you “Remember” an action it rebuilds the whole policy. Now if you have a lot of stuff in that policy, it can take a while (5-20 seconds) to rebuild (and during that time CIS and the program that is doing the action hang/stop responding).

So now I’m going to tell you how to “Purge” (What Purge means in this case: To clean or delete unnecessary policy entries, or policy entries that remember the action of a program that is no longer available) the D+ Policy.

Click on the picture to get a much better view.

Click on the picture to get a much better view.

Edit: Sorry, seeing if I actually can edit. (trying to tell a mod that I can ;D)

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