How to install Comodo Firewall only?


I want to ask if it is somehow possible to install only CF. I saw in the Cruelsister video that it has the option to install just AV or just FW or both. I downloaded the file from here Antivirus Internet Security with Advanced Firewall Protection and I have no choice when installing. I have to install the whole package.
Is there somewhere to download the standalone firewall or the CIS installation that has the option to install just the firewall alone?

Thank you.

I still use old CF on W11.

The new Stable Release of CIS 2025 has been release and you can change the UI theme to Lycia like .8012 and it works better with Windows 11. You can download it here CIS 2025 Installer and just deselect the Antivirus in the installer options to install just the firewall. If you are insistent on using .8012, the standalone download for the firewall is here: Comodo Firewall .8012 Installer

Thank you very much for your answer. CIS Premium is free? I want to upgrade from .8012. I thought I’d wait until Comodo releases an upgrade to the program. What will happen? Wouldn’t that be a better option? Will it just upgrade to standalone firewall?

Yes, CIS Premium is still free. The Pro version is the paid version but it only adds things like live support, virus guarantee and vpn.

The best option is to do a fresh install though some have reported products updating but there hasn’t been official word as to when it will update all old versions. Yes, it will just update the Firewall if that’s the only component you have installed.

I find = it’s always easier to just do a fresh install with a new version, particularly since it’s a number of years later. Probably worth backing up your configuration if it’s an elaborate one with many tweaks and that can be done under Configuration - Export.

The new version UI is to simplistic for my liking so I just switched the theme to Lycia which is the default theme for .8012 for a more informative layout.

Radek- Use this link for Build 8140:

then follow the instructions in my video.


Thank you very much for your answer. I use your old config. I’ve been following you since 2010 or so. I upgraded it. I didn’t uninstall the old version. Is this a mistake? Wouldn’t a clean install be better? I use it with Kaspersky free AV.

Thank you . I probably still have some subscription for 5usd/year. I upgraded it. I used Lycia too. But I did not new installation, just update/upgrade. It looks it works.

With a new build I suggest either waiting for the Internal Update to happen, or if installing it yourself to uninstall the old version and start fresh with the new.


Thank you. But as I wrote before. I did upgrade. It looks it works. Do you think I should uninstall and reinstall it?

Not unless you have any issues. It will have updated all the files but I always prefer doing a fresh install as my configuration like Cruelsister’s is a simple easy setup and only takes a minute :slight_smile:

There doesn’t seem to be any problems. I’ll do a clean install though. You talked me into it:).

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