How to disable Comodo Monitor DLL Injection?

I am heaving some problems with a few programs. (Fallout Mod Manager)
Here is the crash dump:

System.ArgumentException: The property ‘windowPositions’ could not be created from it’s default value. Error message: Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1).
error CS0016: Could not write to output file ‘j:\Users******\AppData\Local\Temp\myxxz9wb.dll’ – ‘Could not execute CVTRES.EXE.’

I found out that Comodo could be the cause and because the program wants to access the above dll,i guess it’s the DLL monitor thingy.

Now i have been searching for the setting for an hour and i still can’t find it.
Help would be nice.

That looks like its accessing the .NET framework.

AFAIK, FOMM should not be installed in %ProgramFiles%

Secondly, ensure that the app isn’t being sandboxed (move the app from unrecognized files to trusted). Ensure that ‘notifications for all sandboxing’ is checked. ■■■■ away whatever D+ rule exists for the app. Then relaunch it. Depending on your D+ config a new rule w/default access rights should get created.

If that still don’t work properly, or sandboxing isn’t implicated, then read the post: app not working sandboxing not happening.

Again my laziness to create a new folder has brought me into problems…
Re-installed it to my second HDD and it’s working fine.
Thank you very much, next time i will read the installation manual…