how to delete this?

i tested CIS and MBAM combo against zero-day threats using sandboxie. Test results are perfect.

I will test these dialy and if cis didn’t detect anything, i will upload to comodo so that they will release virus database updates.

one day i wanted to test them without sandboxie, because i am confident. This time also the results are perfect.

But after that, when i open comodo program manager, CIS quaratined one threat. So the threat was quaratined.

Again when i opened cpm, cis quratined the same threat. so, i wanted to remove this threat manually.

I opened cis and saw the path of that threat to manually delete it. but i don’t know how to get there.

So, please help me in removing this threat. I uploaded image.

[attachment deleted by admin]

This looks like a problem with CPM. I will move it to the CPM help board.