How to allow all applications to talk to a trusted zone


I am new to a CPF and the first impression is quite nice.
However I am wondering if it is possible to allow all applications to comminicate inside a trusted zone without setting up an application moinitor rule for each application?

From other PFs I am used to the combined application/network rules with a priority.

Best Regards


Welcome to the Forums, Klaus (:WAV)

CPF is a little different, with a layered approach to the security it provides. Each of these layers, while working together, is monitored separately.

Thus, all communication happens according to the Network Rules. Allowed applications are controlled by the Application Rules, and connect per the Network Rules. All components which make up the allowed applications are separately approved and monitored by the Component Monitor.

At the present time, the answer to your question is no; all apps are not automatically allowed to communicate within your trusted zone; the network/application rules are not combined that way. You need an Application rule for each application that you want to allow to communicate.

You can help the process along a little by running the Application Wizard ~ go to Security/Tasks/Scan for Known Applications (lower right). Follow the prompts. Reboot when finished. This will match up apps on your computer with those in CPF’s encrypted safelist, for approval.

Hope this answers your question,