How to allow access to Microsoft IAS service?

My company has Microsoft IAS service running for authentication to use wireless LAN. However, with Comodo v2.2, I cant seem to detect the wireless LAN SSID. If I exit personal firewall, I manage to detect and connect to the WLAN.

Any settings that I should allow to enable my computer to connect to IAS services? I’ve already added the IP range into the firewall but still didnt manage to connect.

Appreciate some feedback. Thanks.

Hi cheeyangt ,

What are the following values :

  • Security->Advanced->Secure against trojan protocols,
  • Security->Advanced->Secure the host while booting

if they are enabled, make sure you have them disabled(And restart your PC after you change those values).

If they are disabled and you are still getting errors, please do the following :

1- Go to Security->Network Monitor
2- Double click on the last rule i.e. BLOCK IP IN FROM ANY TO ANY…
3- Select “Create an alert when this rule is fired” option

After applying these settings, please retry and send your logs to us so that we can see what is going on.
