How to add TCP and UDP

I have recently installed Need For Speed World and i would like how i can add following TCP and UDP.


TCP 12683, 443, 5222, 5223


UDP 31928, 5222, 5223


I take it you want to open ports for that application.

Read the following tutorial I made. Substitute the port numbers and protocol for your situation.

To open the port TCP 1723 for example

First step is to determine the MAC or Physical address of you network connector. Go to Start → Run → cmd → enter → a black box will show up and enter the following → ipconfig /all (notice the space before /all) → enter → now look up the Physical address and write it down.

Notice that Physical address = MAC address

Firewall → Advanced → Network Security policy → Global Rules → Add → fill in the following:
Action: Allow
Protocol: TCP
Direction: In
Description: Incoming Port

Source address: Any
Destination Address: Choose MAC address and fill in the found MAC/Physical address
Source Port: Any
Destination Port: 1723

Then push Apply → Now make sure that the new rule is somewhere above the basic block rule(s) as the bottom (the block rules have red icons); you can drag and drop the rules → Ok.

thx for the reply:) made me happy to see that someone replied:)

thx EricJH

i asked how added ports so that i don’t get disconnected from the severs but adding the TCP and UDP didn’t help.

I have also tried to switch the direction:in to direction:In/Out but that didn’t help and i will switch it to direction: In. I have also put Need for speed world as trusted program/application in defense+ and in firewall.

I what should i do know?


If I understand the situation correct you need the ports open for incoming traffic? Correct?

If that is the case the direction needs to Incoming.

Can you show a screenshot of your Global Rules? And show me one of the rules you made for a single port. Write it down like I did in the mini tutorial.

here is it:) thanks for taking your time. if it happens that i have missed something please tell me.


[attachment deleted by admin]

What did you fill in for Source Port? It should be Any. You can change the direction to In.

It’s on any.

could you tell me how i should interpret the picture? i have a forgot to add something in global rules?

[attachment deleted by admin]

It is listening at TCP port 64087. Please open this port in Global Rules.


I have added TCP port 64087 to global rules but i still see in the activity “TPC Listening to 64087”

The program is listening. That’s part of it’s functionality. I suggested to open the port in Global Rules to facilitate the listening. It won’t stop doing that when opening a port.