How do I uninstall?

Tried uninstalling using the uninstall icon. Unable to turn off program was not in icon tray and would not respond via the program icon. Canceled out using the red X and am left with a partial uninstall. :cry:

What is the best way to approach an uninstall from here?

A) Reinstall, then uninstall?

B) Stop any BOClean exe and delete the folder? Then run a cleanup program like ASO or Norton.

yes, you could use “task manager” to close any of BOC’s running processes and then delete the BOC files in “c/program files/comodo/BOC”, and delete the BOC regkeys, the primary ones, at least… the main BOC regkey that you would want to delete is:

hklm/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/run- BOC-425

and if you saw a BOC folder there, in the registry, in hklm/software, you could delete that too…

you could try to delete any other BOC regkeys, too…

there are different tools that you could use in trying to manually remove BOC…

on the other hand, you could try doing a “dirty install” of BOC and then try running the uninstaller, making sure that all of BOC’s processes are CLOSED before running the uninstaller…