How do I report a bug?

I’m using the Firewall part of Comodo Internet security 5.3 with XP. It crashes almost daily, with no pattern that I can see, with a message: “Oops, you have found a bug.” and tells the program needs to shut down. However, Comodo still seems to be working, so I’m not sure what part of the program is disabled…

The message also invites to report the bug, with a box to fill in the information (what were you doing when it happened etc) with a link. However, I opted out from automatic bug reporting when I first installed Comodo, because of very small data limit and slow connection. I’m sure the program informed there is an option of activating it later.

So how can I use/activate the bug reporting feature? ???


Well Boss, I am no Expert and can not help you with your question exactly, but I would suggest that you change your Windows settings to make Complete Crash Dump Reports and when ever a crash happens, save a copy of your Crash Dumps & post them at the forums along with any other relevant information such as: CIS version, CIS database version, Operating System, maybe a KillSwitch log, maybe copy some Windows Event information of the crashes to a Text file, etc.

I have Windows 7 Ultimate 32-Bit currently so if I describe the steps to change your Windows Crash Dump settings and how to copy your Crash Dumps, then the steps may be different for Windows XP; but it may give you a general idea of how to do it.

Here is an ancient technique passed on by the HitanWindowsRoogi Clan, for changing the Windows 7 Crash Dump settings and how to copy your Crash Dumps: :smiley:

HitanWindowsRoogi Crash Dump Settings Change Technique

"If you have a shortcut to Computer/My Computer on your Desktop and/or in the Start Menu, then Right Click the Mouse on it, and Left Click on Properties.

Left Click on Advanced System Settings, under the Advanced Tab Left Click on Settings under System And Recovery.

Under Write Debugging Information, change the setting to Complete Memory Dump.

If you want Windows to make an Event Log as well, then Check Write An Event To The System Log, if it is not check already.

And click Ok to save, and click Ok again on the next menu to save; now the settings should be set. :)"

HitanWindowsRoogi Crash Dump Save Technique

"Go to Computer/My Computer/etc, and find the partition that Windows is saved on which is usually C: and Left Click the mouse on it, Left Click on the Windows folder, and Left Click on the MiniDumps folder.

Highlight/Select all the files in there, Right click on the files, Left Click the mouse on Copy, find or make a folder on your computer somewhere such as the Desktop or Downloads or Documents or something, and Right Click in/on the folder.

Left Click on Paste, now the Crash Dumps should be saved there, now you can upload or e-mail them to whoever you need to. :)"

Hopefully these ancient techniques are correct and helpful for you, :wink:
-John Jr :slight_smile:

HitanWindowsRoogi Windows Event Log Saving Technique

"From Computer/My Computer and/or the Start Menu Left Click the mouse on Control Panel, depending on your Control Panel’s appearance either Left Click on System And Security or Administrative Tools, and Left Click on View Events Log.

Left Click the drop down menu for Windows Logs, Left Click on Application, and Left Click on each log labeled Information or Warning or Error/Etc.

Find the ones that have the Information/Things under the General and Details Tabs that match the Time & Dates for the Program or Program Events that you are looking for.

Example: Error - 2/12/2011 - General - CIS.exe Crash Code 3 - Details - System - Provider - Comodo/Etc.

After finding the Event that you are looking for Right Click on it, Under Copy Left Click Copy Details As Text, open Notepad/Etc, Right Click on the open document and Left Click Paste, the information should paste to the document, and now Save it as a Text File/Etc to whatever folder you want and submit and/or e-mail it to whoever you want. :)"