How Compatible CIS is With Other Security Products: Your Opinion Needed

Hi Guys,
We need some feedback from you as per your experience using CIS with other security products.
It will help us know how good or bad we are doing in this aspect.

I will highly appreciate your feedback on this.


Hi Umesh,

I never experienced any problems with CIS and:

  • Avast
  • MalwareBytes Anti-Malware
  • Gmer antirookit scanner
  • Rootrepeal antirookit scanner
  • SuperAntiSpyware
  • TrueCrypt
  • Secunia PSI
  • Comodo Vulnerability Analyzer
  • Spywareblaster
  • Spybot Search & Destroy
  • Winpatrol
  • Clamwin


Using full function CIS;
Nod32 v2.7: no problem even with realtime on-access
Sypware Doctor: CAV may have FPs on SD’s signature files
Hostsman: no problem

Had BSOD (blue screen) (XP SP3) while trying to run GMER with 3.9. I, however, didn’t dare to test further.

No problems with MBAM, Superantispyware (but both are on demand only - free versions).

Very very bad ONLY in conjunction with Gameguard. And many onlyne games has this security program embeded in.

No problem with Norton Antivirus 2008 with realtime scaner both

No problem with NOD32 and more recently Avira AntiVir Premium v8 and v9.
Also Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware, SUPERAntiSpyware and Glary Utilities.


Also no problem with NOD32 antivirus v. 4, Malwarebytes, Spywareblaster and after fixing the compatibility issue no problems with SpySweeper, too.

i am using Avira Premium and the Comodo firewall with defense +
A perfect combination with Windows 7.
The reason i am not using Comodo AV is because it conflicts with another program that is essential so Comodo AV has to go.
I will continue using Avira for the foreseeable future.It really is first class.

conflicts when used with winpatrol ,cavs detected its installer as a virus (heur high). the key feature for more compatibility for me has been to add other security software vendors as trusted in defense +.

When using CIS 3.9.95478.509 on Windows XP SP3 32-bit, I had no conflicts with any of the following programs:

  • Antivir Personal (Antivir realtime guard active and CIS realtime antivirus disabled)
  • SuperAntispyware Pro (realtime protection active)
  • Malwarebytes Antimalware Free (realtime inactive)
  • A-squared free (realtime inactive)
  • Spybot Search and Destroy
  • Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool
  • Spywareblaster
  • Hostsman 3.1.57
  • ZonedOut with IE-Spyad list
  • HijackThis
  • A-squared Hijack Free
  • CCleaner
  • Cleanup!

When using CIS 3.9.95478.509: Firewall, Defense+ in Windows XP SP3 32-bit LUA+SRP, I had no conflicts with the following programs:

* Avira Antivir Premium 9 (Antivir realtime guard active)
* SuperAntispyware Free (scan only - Avira inactive)
* Malwarebytes Antimalware Free (scan only - Avira inactive)
* Geswall free
* Spywareblaster
* WinPatrol
* CCleaner

Laptop: CIS 3.9.95478.509 Defense+ procative, WinPatrol, Spywareblaster, Avira Premium scanner on demand (no conflicts, no problem) :-TU

Mother Pc: Avira Premium; CIS 3.9.95478.509 Defense+ procative, only Firewall; Spybot Search & Destroy: displays alerts each time Avira antivirus engine is updated, and I have to go and see what happens.

I use CIS with.

  • Rising Pc Doctor
  • TC-Spy
  • a-squared free

And everything works fine

But before I use CIS I used CAV with Webroot Desktop Firewall (In Learning Mode both).
Sometimes it’s terminated by unknown reason.
I think it shouldn’t caused by Comodo.

From what I’ve tested so far:

Works with:

A-squared free
Malwarebytes Antimalware Free
Spybot Search and Destroy

Does not work with:

RootKit Hook Analyzer

Have used CIS (and sometimes the firewall and d+ only) with Avira free, Geswall, Defensewall, Malwarebytes, SAS, and probably some more. I have never experienced any problems.

I’m using CIS (AV included) along side Avira free without any cries and tears. Last week I also added MBAM without any headache; however, I deleted it.

Nonetheless, CIS is not compatible with Zone Alarm ForceField. Such a combo brings with it the blue screen of death. I had to log in to safe mode and uninstall ForceField.

Peace. :a0

I tried 2 antivirus together comodo antivirus (included in CIS) & rising antivirus they both work nicely, system was working very fast too, (i m not supporting running 2 antivirus at same time though, i m sharing my experience which i tried & worked)
I got windows xp sp3 5512 edition, 1 gb ram, 845 motherboard, Pentium 4 processor.

CIS 3.9.95478.509 (FW and D+) on Win XP SP3
Other security products:
-Avira personal (free)
-Windows Defender
-SAS free
-MBAM free
-Winpatrol 2009

No issues noted.

Has anyone used it V3 software from AhnLabs or Sophos?