Hot to remove the latest WgaTray?

help help help!!! I have installed the latest wga from Microsoft and now everytime i log into my windows/account CPF keeps warning me that wgatray is using svchost.exe/services.exe to access the internet! So how do i remove or disable wga???


Windows Genuine Advantage can be removed via add/remove programs in XP. Make sure you check the show updates box at the top of the add/remove programs window.


Hi Mike :slight_smile: i am using XP but… i’m unable to remove WGA from add-remove? I have located 2 WGA in add-remove KB892130 and KB905474!

Windows Genuine Advantage validation Tool -KB892130

Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications- KB905474

If you installed it in the first place, why do you want to remove/disable it? Just curious :slight_smile:
Also, if you keep it and block it, will this cause any kind of problems with internet access or anything?


The latest WGA is KB905474, but, I’ve just checked and these updates can’t be removed.

Can you check in CFP and see if you have any entries for wgatray.exe? I’ve only had CFP alert me once about WGA, rather than repeatedly. Can you post a screenshot of the alerts CFP gives for WGA?


LeoniAquila - I had an instance where windows updates auto installed this program but it tried to do this when the computer was logged on as a limited user (-: so it did not install and i was able to stop it.

If WGA is installed, i am not aware of any non-risky way of getting rid of it. The best idea is to avoid the install on your next fresh re-install.

For removing it check here

It is a security risk and WGA has no need to run everytime i lon into windows account and the worst problem is there’s no way to stop it from accessing the internet now thats funny! If i deny access to wgatray.exe then i’m unable to update Windows Defender,CPF,BOClean and i’m unable to play some of online games!

Here are some screenshots and theres no entries except svchost.exe?

[attachment deleted by admin]

Gotta try it out thanks :slight_smile:

I stop the WgaLogon.dll file from starting with windows by using Spybots startup tool. Seems to work nicely.


Ok, I see! Can’t say that I like it either, maybe I’ll follow your tips and try to remove it too. If it messes up the computer; no big deal for me. I going to reinstall Windows when we have CPF 3.0 here :slight_smile:

Hi, check out this thread at wilders, post 114 has a link to the wga uninstaller that was originally hosted on the firewall leaktester site, but removed due to M$ pressure.

Read the entire thread to get an idea of how this thing works.

Hope this helps :BNC

I think i got it removed from the system guys :slight_smile: After i deleted wgatray.exe and wgalogon.dll from dllcache im no longer seeing popups from CPF and i just ran Microsoft Windows Update and there was only one update available for download which was WGA lol lol lol but…wgalogon.dll cannot be removed even in safe mode, so i changed its security permissions to deny to (Full Control,Modify,Run& Execute etc… :slight_smile:

Nice to hear :slight_smile:
Which link did you use,

or ?


Disable automatic updates ( don’t forget to check that the service IS disabled)
and use : if you really feel the need to let M$'s “updates”
■■■■■ around with your machine . If some M$ app requires that you have WGA …
THEN DON"T USE IT ! there is no way to know what M$ has decided that you may or
may not do with your computer . I have heard of people having auto-update
set to “don’t download, ask first” who have woken up to a machine that had updated itself .
The “critical update” was … WGA .
It won’t be long before M$ can kiss my penguin…

I haven’t used any links/removal tools i decided to remove it manually and it worked out just great :slight_smile:

LOL yeah Windows Automatic Updates aren’t needed the best way to get them is to download them manually :slight_smile: