hopsurf bug

Today i decided to give hopsurf a look at, I thought the idea was good. Although it has a few problems i like it and will probably use it again once some of these bugs are ironed out a bit.
Ok firstly I am on windows xp pro 32bit sp3. The only security programs i have are Comodo CIS all components enabled. Including safesurf but when i installed hopsurf i did uninstall the ask tool bar.
Ok now to the problems, Since installation everytime i close firefox it visually closes but in taskmanager it continues to run and Hangs at full cpu usage. Have to manually terminate firefox via task manager.

Also i don’t know what i have done but it no longer hops from website to website, when i click the hop button it just comes up with this website > http://hopsurf.com/hop < with a blank screen… Again i am not sure if that is user error or program error but i couldn’t figure out how to make it work again.
The uninstaller worked well no problems at all I think i will try this little program out next release and hope it all works well :slight_smile:



The problems you have experienced were due to affects of brief outage we experienced last week which lead to Hopsurf being run on a secondary server. The primary server will be reinstated again as soon as we can.

Sorry for any inconvenience.
