Hope Adding 3 functions

1.Edit rules via logs.
2.Refine memory access and separate reading and writing.
3.Be capable of copying rules like Network Security Policy in Firewall.
4.Be capable of exception some applications Recorded to the logs.

If you can understand Chinese,please look at the Chinese Edition.Sorry for poor English.

#1 sounds VERY convenient :-TU

#2 is already implied here: https://forums.comodo.com/defense-wishlist/mandatoryaccesscontrollike-exceptions-t50749.0.html

#3 can be done using “Firewall” > “Network Policy” > “Add/Edit” > “Use a Custom Policy” > “Copy From” >
[rule(s) from other listed programs you want to copy]

#2 I also think so.
#3 Yes,I want to do.Because if I can’t copy rules,I need set a rule for each.
Add #4.