
while comodo has different teams for different projects. How about a honeypot project (A big group of people that recieves and sends data to comodo That thay well have many honeypots throughout the internet
We can get (zero-day bugs and viruses) before some other anti-virus companys and it will improve our virus signature significantly

Good Idea :-TU
what do you think

I like it!


+1 :-TU

I like what Melih likes, LOL. :slight_smile:


If Melih likes the idea…it should happen soon. :slight_smile:

(When? :P)

I think I might be able to run a honeypot in a VM when I get my GFX card from the shop. But I think I will need some help to configure a honeypot but when it arrives (sometime next week) I will try to figure it out myself ;).

Hmmmmm… I don’t always :slight_smile:

I use Modern HoneyPot Network (MHN). It was built on Ubuntu 18.04. There are many scripts in it. If you prepare a script or script, I can include it in my HoneyPot system and feed it.

An example script (for Surcicata) :


INTERFACE=$(basename -a /sys/class/net/e*)

set -e
set -x

if [ $# -ne 2 ]
if [ $# -eq 3 ]
echo “Wrong number of arguments supplied.”
echo “Usage: $0 <server_url> <deploy_key>.”
exit 1


compareint=$(echo “$INTERFACE” | wc -w)

if [ “$INTERFACE” = “e*” ] || [ “$compareint” -ne 1 ]
echo “No Interface selectable, please provide manually.”
echo “Usage: $0 <server_url> <deploy_key> ”
exit 1


apt-get update
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install build-essential libpcap-dev libjansson-dev libpcre3-dev libdnet-dev libdumbnet-dev libdaq-dev flex bison python-pip git make automake libtool zlib1g-dev python-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev libnetfilter-queue1 libnfnetlink-dev libnfnetlink0 libyaml-dev libmagic-dev autoconf libpcre3 libpcre3-dbg libnet1-dev libyaml-0-2 pkg-config zlib1g libcap-ng-dev libcap-ng0

pip install --upgrade distribute
pip install pyyaml

Install hpfeeds and required libs…

cd /tmp
rm -rf libev*
wget https://github.com/pwnlandia/hpfeeds/releases/download/libev-4.15/libev-4.15.tar.gz
tar zxvf libev-4.15.tar.gz
cd libev-4.15
./configure && make && make install

cd /tmp
rm -rf hpfeeds
git clone GitHub - pwnlandia/hpfeeds: Honeynet Project generic authenticated datafeed protocol
cd hpfeeds/appsupport/libhpfeeds
autoreconf --install
./configure && make && make install

cd /tmp
rm -rf htp*
wget https://github.com/ironbee/libhtp/releases/download/0.5.15/htp-0.5.15.tar.gz
tar -xzvf htp-0.5.15.tar.gz
cd htp-0.5.15
./configure && make && make install

mkdir -p /opt/suricata/etc/suricata/rules /opt/mhn/rules/

cd /tmp
rm -rf suricata
git clone -b hpfeeds-support GitHub - threatstream/suricata: Mirror of the official OISF Suricata git repository
cd suricata
./autogen.sh || ./autogen.sh
export CPPFLAGS=-I/include
./configure --prefix=/opt/suricata --localstatedir=/var/ --enable-non-bundled-htp
make install-full

Register the sensor with MHN server.

wget $server_url/static/registration.txt -O registration.sh
chmod 755 registration.sh

Note: this will export the HPF_* variables

. ./registration.sh $server_url $deploy_key “suricata”

cd /opt/suricata/etc/suricata
#sed -i -r “/\s*- alert-hpfeeds/,/\s*reconnect: yes # do we reconnect if publish fails/d” suricata.yaml
#sed -i -r “s/^ # hpfeeds output/ # hpfeeds output\n - alert-hpfeeds:\n enabled: yes\n host: $HPF_HOST\n ident: $HPF_IDENT\n secret: $HPF_SECRET\n channel: suricata.events\n reconnect: yes # do we reconnect if publish fails ?!\n/” suricata.yaml

replace the faulty magic file

COMMAND=“s#magic-file: /usr/share/file/misc/magic#magic-file: /usr/share/file/magic#;”

delete the example hpfeeds config section

COMMAND+=“/ - alert-hpfeeds/,/ reconnect: yes # do we reconnect if publish fails/d;”

replace the hpfeeds section with the vaues from the env vars

COMMAND+=“s/^ # hpfeeds output/”
COMMAND+=" # hpfeeds output\n"
COMMAND+=" - alert-hpfeeds:\n"
COMMAND+=" enabled: yes\n"
COMMAND+=" host: $HPF_HOST\n"
COMMAND+=" port: $HPF_PORT\n"
COMMAND+=" ident: $HPF_IDENT\n"
COMMAND+=" secret: $HPF_SECRET\n"
COMMAND+=" channel: suricata.events\n"
COMMAND+=" reconnect: yes # do we reconnect if publish fails ?!\n/;"

disable all the rules then enable just the local.rules

COMMAND+=“s/^( - .*.rules)/#\1/; s/rule-files:/rule-files:\n - local.rules/”

sed -i -r “$COMMAND” suricata.yaml

IP=$(ip -f inet -o addr show $INTERFACE|head -n 1|cut -d\ -f 7 | cut -d/ -f 1)
sed -i “s# HOME_NET: "[,,]"# HOME_NET: "[$IP]"#” suricata.yaml

Installing snort rules.

mhn.rules will be used as local.rules.

rm -f /opt/suricata/etc/suricata/rules/local.rules
ln -s /opt/mhn/rules/mhn-suricata.rules /opt/suricata/etc/suricata/rules/local.rules

apt-get install -y supervisor

Config for supervisor.

cat > /etc/supervisor/conf.d/suricata.conf <<EOF
command=/opt/suricata/bin/suricata -c /opt/suricata/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -i $INTERFACE

cat > /etc/cron.daily/update_suricata_rules.sh <<EOF

mkdir -p /opt/mhn/rules
rm -f /opt/mhn/rules/mhn.rules.tmp

echo “[date] Updating suricata signatures …”
wget $server_url/static/mhn.rules -O /opt/mhn/rules/mhn-suricata.rules.tmp &&
mv /opt/mhn/rules/mhn-suricata.rules.tmp /opt/mhn/rules/mhn-suricata.rules &&
(supervisorctl update ; supervisorctl restart suricata ) &&
echo “[date] Successfully updated suricata signatures” &&
exit 0

echo “[date] Failed to update suricata signatures”
exit 1
chmod 755 /etc/cron.daily/update_suricata_rules.sh

supervisorctl update