HIPS - BLOCKED FILES for "Run in COMODO container"

Is it possible to add an executable to “HIPS → Protected Objects → BLOCKED FILES” in such a way that execution is blocked only when “Run in COMODO container”?
Like adding “|” to the executable filename or so?
Or is there another way to block execution for “Run in COMODO container”?

I’m asking this as a measure to prevent Trusted files from doing unwanted things when being called by malicious code running in containment…

Well then, not possible so it seems.

If you mean blocked from opening the file, just add them to Protected Data.

Of course, hiding the trusted file from an untrusted file running in containment yields the same result as blocking it, the untrusted file can’t execute the trusted one.
I’m too busy with too many different things I guess. :slight_smile:

Very welcome!