higher priority analyses for sanboxed files

currently it takes a very long time for files to be analyzed by comodo when they are automatically submitted from the sandbox. Comodo should really change the priority for these submissions and make them higher because people expect comodo to analyze them and move the files from sandbox to trusted or remove them if malicious.
even in Melih’s Video he says the files in the sandbox get uploaded to the comodo labs and they get a verdict on it.

the analysis should be a faster process and will make cis easier to use and regular users happier to use comodo
if files can be analyzed as fast they are when submitted through the forums nothing will ever stay sandboxed

The volume of files received in the labs must be very large, since this verification have to be done by an human individual it’s a little hard.

We understand when the files are sandboxed for a few days. Maybe a couple of weeks.
But half of a year? Isnt it that too late? (some of my files have even more than half of a year).

yes im sure but they get the files submitted through the forums analyzed in like a day or 2.

add to valkrine

I think COMODO should be add the popularity of file in the unrecognized part, The three choices: (Lookup-Submit-Popularity). :-TU eg: popularity in Kaspersky and insight file in Norton. :wink:

yes, this is right …

Question: Do not want comodo add item file popularity among users comodo for the unrecognized files?
Addressing comodo Staff: Think about it. This can help the user to decide about use the unknown files.