Help with Scrabble from Interactive Games

I love the Firewall. It is an excellent bit of work. I have only one problem. This Scrabble game is written by Game Box weenies, and like the old Basic Interpreters, thinks it owns the entire machine. I’ve done my best to get the firewall to accept it, but without success. My wife loves the game, and I hate to disappoint her, but I’ve been totally unable to get the Firewall to accept it. Anyone who has any info or tips would earn my gratitude. TIA


Hi I can’t help you with this but I can confirm that I am also having the same problem as you, had to remove comodo for this reason till maybe there is a fix.


Hi Daly, Well, thanks for the confirmation at least. I hate to go back to ZA, since it’s become so bloated ( it was 4.5 megs and now it’s over 13. They must think they’re Microsoft ).


Could you please submit your Comodo Firewall log? This will help us better understand what part of Comodo is blocking the game.

To make it easier, I reinstalled the firewall cleanly, and attempted to start the game. Attached is a JPEG image of the only thing in the log. At that point, the machine locks up, and my only choice is to kill
the Scrabble Complete game using the task manager. Otherwise, the machine is dead. Hope this image will help a bit. I don’t know any other way to access the log.

[attachment deleted by admin]


When you get a chance, disable the network monitor, what happens? After you get your results please re-enable the network monitor and post them.

When you get a chance, disable the network monitor, what happens? After you get your results
please re-enable the network monitor and post them.

Hello Justin, Sadly, the results with the Network Monitor turned off are exactly the same, with the same IGMP error message as before. Had to use Task Manager to kill it, and then reboot. (:SAD)

Hello Don,

If that is the case, then it is not Comodo blocking this game from the internet, this time do the same thing but with the Application monitor. What happens?

Okay, that did the trick. If the application monitor is off, the game runs just fine. But I’m still not sure just what that is telling me.