Help with IIS and comodo

I can not connect to localhost/
I have installed and am trying to use IIS to view local websites ok.
And for some reason none of my browsers can connect to either localhost or
I have these current network settings.
Is there any reason comodo would block this because people on other IIS forums tell me its the firewall yet I turned it off and no difference but of course we know even turn comodo off its not really off.
IIS is installed and running verified and when I go to connect to localhost it says page cant be displayed etc.
Any idea for any rule in comodo to make it work?I have allowed many things to connect and there is no firewall rules firing when I do it.

I can ping and localhost successfully from cmd.

If you can ping it, then it’s not the firewall. It’s more than likely an application rule blocking it. are you running apache (xammp)?

Another thing I have XP Pro SP3.
No all im trying to do is this no apache no amps.
I am trying to make an application when it trys to connect to a website, be diverted in the hosts file, and connect to my inetpub\wwwroot directory instead.
IE:I have files there I want it to read from my local site.
So I want it to connect to and be diverted in the host file to localhost where my site is.
But the problem is I seem to have absolutely no local host happening here.
I have static IP through a router, but I wanted it to divert through the host to local so it shouldn’t need to go through the router.
All the IIS people tell me its the firewall blocking it somewhere.
Like I want to enter localhost into my firefox and get taken to my site.

If you can’t connect to localhost when the CIS firewall is turned off then it is, unfortunately, an problem with how you have set up, or failed to set up, IIS.

IIS is installed and running verified and when I go to connect to localhost it says page cant be displayed etc.

Again, I strongly suspect that this is an IIS issue. Try installing XAMMP (Apache web server for Windows).

Ewen :slight_smile:

Any idea for any rule in comodo to make it work?I have allowed many things to connect and there is no firewall rules firing when I do it.

Hi thanks for that so should I uninstall the IIS stuff turn it off?Does Apache need that?
All I want is to connect to local host I dont even want to do anything extreme.
Thanks for your help.

Thanks for this, installed XAMPP, took me about 5 minutes to find out how to write to the virtual.conf and now have my proggy reading from localhost.
Cheers for that.

NP. Good to hear vits working for you now.

I’ll lock this topic.

Ewen :slight_smile: