Help with file sharing


I would like to ask for some help, something must be wrong with my config,
Comodo blocks file sharing.

And i’d also like to know how reset default config in Comodo in order that it reasks me every in and out going

I attached my config.
I only attached Application Rules cause i have nothing in Global Rules.

Thanks in advance!

[attachment deleted by admin]

Hey and warm welcome

Start → cmd → ipconfig /all (keep this window open)

This happens because the LAN is not a trusted place. This you solve by going CIS → firewall → Stealth Ports Wizard → Define a new trusted network (the first option) → I would like to … (the second option).

I hope this will help.

Valentin N

Thank you very much for your help Valentin!

Unfortunately it didnt work.

I went to the place you told me and defined
starting address,
ending address
but connection still refused and when i go to Firewall Events i have the address always blocked.

I hope you have another idea.

Do you mean file sharing over the local network? You gave System the Browser policy and that does not allow or alert for incoming traffic. Delete the rule for System for now. I will pick up on System further in my comments.

And i'd also like to know how reset default config in Comodo in order that it reasks me every in and out going connection.

I attached my config.
I only attached Application Rules cause i have nothing in Global Rules.

Thanks in advance!

To get the default Firewall settings back open Stealth Ports Wizard and choose Alert me to incoming connections and make my ports stealth on a per-case basis.

Now you will be asked when there is incoming traffic. You can establish file sharing over the local network by allowing traffic from other computers. Or you can make a Global Rule using the Stealth Ports Wizard again using “Define a new trusted network and make my ports stealth for everyone else”.

Are you sure you filled in in the right fields. Did you fill in one of the two addresses in the subnet mask field by any incident? That’s a mistake that is easily made.


Deleting System did the trick.

Thank you Eric!

In my opinion…you should delete the Firefox rule and then, the next time it pops up, tell it to connect as - ‘web browser’.

Also, you might want to use this guide for setting up Utorrent…

I use “Tweak A” and it works fine.

Thank you BoredNow, i really appriciate your help cause i find Comodo pretty hard
to configure.

CIS surely has a learning curve. But once used to it it is a great security tool.

Keep on asking until you understand.

Here’s a good guide to configuring CIS.

Probably the most important change is to switch to ‘Proactive’ mode…which is explained in this guide.