Help wanted / Pomoc vitana!

Slovak: Zdravim vsetkych nadsencov COMODO produktov!

Iste ste si vsimli, ze tempo akym sa prekladaju COMODO produkty sa trochu spomalilo. Je to hlavne kvoli mojej pracovnej vytazenosti a faktu, ze som na vsetko uplne sam a nie je toho malo.

Ak by mal preto niekto chut zapojit sa do projektu COMODO a pomoct prekladat produkty napiste mi prosim sukromnu spravu. Dakujem!

Podmiekou je, aby sa jednalo o ludi, ktori maju cas, nie priliz zaneprazdneni alebo pracovne vytazeni.

English: Greetings to all fans of COMODO products!

As you witnessed the speed at which COMODO products are being translated into Slovak has lowered. This is mainly due to me being extremely busy with work and the fact that I’m alone on everything.

Therefore, should anyone be interested in helping me to translate COMODO products to Slovak PM me please.

The only condition is it have to be people who have time and aren’t otherwise consumed with work or something else.

Lumir was expelled after first coming and saying he’d help and afterwards claiming the project as his own and refusing to hand over the translation.

If you guys think we’re here to claim your translation as our own you’re wrong. But applying to the project from your own free will you agree to submit all your materials to COMODO to be used with your consent.

If not handing over the translation what’s the point of applying for the job? By applying you agree you’ll help and contribute. Just a note to those who decide to help at first and then behave childish stating: “I’m not going to hand over the translation and keep it for myself”.