Help please!!!

Hello everybody!

I hope that somebody on this forum , can help me with the following problem:

I’m am currently running windows 7 professional edition , fully updated and did a scan with Cis ( configuration Pro - Active security , the following scan settings are aplied : cloud scanner is activated , send unknown files for analasys , activate rootkitscanner and the heuristic settings at maximum ) i work with these settings for some time now , and the scanner diden’t find anything till today: the scanner found so much rootkits , that i at first diden’t believe my own eyes!! there all of the same sort ; Rootkit.HiddenFile@0 ans also they are in the same folder , namely: c:\users \appdata\local\temp.… i tried to remove the infected files and also to quarentine them, but how often i try to remove / delete the infected files and rescan ,always the same result… i’ts driving me nuts!!
are these false positives or what?? can someone please help me with this??
I have attached a small part of the results , because it’s a huge list!!!

thnx in advance for all your help…

greetz barry

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Hi Barry,

seem to be mainly files from windows updates. But…
Better have a second check with malwarebytes. You can download the free version here and run a scan.
