help me with the slowest shutdown [RESOLVED]

Hey guys,
I am big fan of comodo. All the things were well when I used WinXP+AviraAntiVir+ComodoV3.
I had a new laptop ASUS F8 last few days with the WinVista Ultimate. I tried ComodoV3 as usual, but the problem is coming.
There is the slowest shutdown i had ever seen on my laptop. When i pressed the “Shutdown”, nothing happened. But in 1-3 minutes later, it works.

 Please help me! Thank you!

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Hi Vince.Lian

It sounds like you have conflicting programs. Did your laptop come with a firewall installed or a trial version installed? Some firewalls do not like to be uninstalled and leave a lot of registry entries behind. After uninstalling clean the registry with a reputable cleaner such as regseeker and then reboot. Uninstall CFP-3 and do the same. Then re-install CFP -3 again. Let us know how it works out.


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Hi JJasper,
Thank you very much for your quick reply. I don’t have any firewall but comodo. Anyway, you show me a way to slove this poblem, thank you!
As you told me there are conflicting programs, I tried to terminate the running process one by one to find the conflicting one. Finally, got it!!
My laptop is ASUS F8. There is a new tecnolegy named Splendid is the confilcting program! Its process is ACMON. When I terminate ACMON, my laptop shutdown only in 5S!

  Thanks a lot,again!

Please send a ticket to the support team so we’re sure that it is known :slight_smile:




Sorry, I made a mistake.

This is not a confilict, maybe. I modify the “Computer Security Policy” setting to make the ACMON as a Tusted Application. Then everything goes on. (:SHY)