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First I need help to find were to post new topic,
than I need BIG help to get rid of the ‘Svchost.exe’ pop-up,
I keep clicking ‘apply’ can do that 8/9 times every time I log on, change web site, check e-mail, it’s driving me mad, have been recommend this Firewall, but at the moment do not like it,

is there any help out there who can tell me what to do???


Open CFP, go to SecurityApplication Monitor. Find the entry for svchost.exe and change the rule so that it allows all outgoing TCP and UDP. If there’s no rule for svchost.exe, create one (it’s located in \WINDOWS\system32).


Thanks for the reply, there is no entry in Application Monitor,
can you tell me slowly and clearly how to get to Windows/system32
and then what to do.

You can download a movie tutorial on how to do this from:

In case you don’t want to use RapidShare, you can download the attached .zip.

You might also need to enable viewing hidden files/folders.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Can’t you just tell me???
I am not downloading all what you say,