Will COMODO stop me from ALL hackers? 100% ? ???
Welcome to the Forum, ZeroOne.
I personally would say ‘Yes’, but this is speaking for myself here. As all my ports are stealthed and CIS proactively monitors my system, nothing has gained unwanted access.
No… COMODO provides many free Tools. The ‘User’ is the one responsible. You must learn to use them correctly.
Imagine You’re an Auto Electrician. You’re fitting a Security System made by Autowatch to Your Vehicle.
Will Autowatch be able to protect your Vehicle from Car Thieves and Lunatics 100%?
What if you left the Vehicle unattended on a rough Housing Estate for months? Could you really believe Autowatch would stop it from being Broken-into and/or Vandalized?
Of coarse not… Its the ‘User’ who has to be Aware/Cautious; not the creators of your Security System.
No security software can claim to do all the work for the users to the point it protect the users from themselves along hackers.
Although if there was actually a way to have a pocket AV-analyst in the box to make decisions for all users malware would have been long gone by now.
Comodo provides many security products for free and by effectively leveraging on their feature is possible to reach a fairly outstanding security level.
Among Comodo free products CIS is the most known but it can be complemented other free Comodo products like antispam, vengine, disk shield, disc encryption, vulnerability analyzer, email encryption, VPN.
How can i protect my system to max then? i have Paranoid Mode on Defence+ and Custom Policy Mode on Network defence
Don’t visit dodgy websites, don’t download illegal/pirated software on the computer your trying to protect.
If you need to visit dodgy websites, create a virtual machine, install linux on the virtual machine and visit sites from the virtual machine.
Keep all of your Programs upto date with something like File Hippo’s ‘Update Checker’ & ‘Secunia PSI’.
Install all of the Windows Updates before connecting to the Internet for the first time.
Always install the latest critical Windows Updates as soon as they are released.
Use Limited User Accounts and ‘MakeMeAdmin’ if running Windows XP.
Use ‘Sandboxie’ to protect your Web Browser whilst browsing the Internet. (Never browse the Web from an Administrator account.)
Note: If you have plenty of resources, you could use VMware & Linux instead of ‘Sandboxie’ like Rotty says.
‘Returnil’ to protect your System when other people use it.
Refrain from using the Administrator account.
Do not use Cracks & Keygens.
Then all you need to do is sit and wait very patiently for COMODO Time Machine to be released like I am! ;D
CTM is going to save soooo’ many people head aches! Its like M$'s System Restore feature, but does the job properly, with style! 8)
If other people use your PC, I would recommend enabling Returnils System Protection, set it to ‘Drop Changes’, then Password Protect CIS and Tick the ‘Suppress the Alerts’ Boxes, with both of the ‘Security Levels’ in ‘Safe Mode’.
All of the Programs I mentioned are free. And so too are what Rotty mentioned.
Remember, Knowledge is Power!
Simply follow this security setup/approach:
Furthermore, the last poster suggest Makemeadmin? I’d suggest SuRun:
Hi ZeroOne Too I personally would say yes and in more please look here : http://www.matousec.com/projects/proactive-security-challenge/results.php , thanks Kind regards
Comodo is a great program, however there is not a single program or hardware component that would be able to exclude your pc from succesfull hack attempts.
Even Nasa and other serious companies get hacked.
Comodo does provide a reasonable level of security, however it can be bypassed by unknowing user intervention as many people do not understand internet and computer basic’s.
Also there are very skilled people out there who can exploit options that are not being convered by comodo.
And a good protection and preperation to secure your pc starts with understanding what you are actually doing.
- Check your webpages and internet habits do not download everything that says download.
- During chat/email convo’s if a person sends you a file…ask if he did send it as many programs can fake a sended file.
- Never ever turn your antivirus and firewall down and keep your pc updated and always make sure your drivers/OS are uptodate
- Use strong passwords and do not keep passwoords and creditcard details on a pc.
- Also ost ISP offer a router/internet modem with a build-in hardware based firewall…USE IT!!! as they are reasonable good.
- If you have to open ports then do it properly.
- And last but not least a pc will tell you everything you need to know the only thing you have to do is READ if you do see a file or a proces that you do not recon?
Then type the name and the extention (Example: roguefile.exe) into google and see what others say about this file most of the times this can actually help you greatly. - Stay away from keygens and cracks (I know some keygens and cracks are harmless but most are packed and will ■■■■■ up your pc) so bottom line stay away from warez and such.
A personal note: Noone is 100% save and noone will become 100% save even with the best security software and hardware, those options are a way to support you and help you and they can keep 80% of the bad stuff out of your pc but true security starts with your own actions.
So before you do something on your pc make sure that you understand what you are doing as this already does secure your system greatly.
Also what people do have to understand that firewalls and such should not be seen as a way to stop it but as a detection tool wich COULD stop certain unwanted events.
Simply said even with the best firewall and the best security and hardware available if a hacker seriously wants to hack you then consider yourself hacked
Yep, but you fail to mention that the average home PC just isn’t worth that effort… There are too many unsecured PC’s to prey upon. Hackers just aren’t going to waste their time breaking into your home PC to steal your photos or documents, or add your PC to their botnet.
Well that aint true what you are saying…hackers do have great intrest in “home” computers to mount a attack on corperate networks (Randsom attacks) and for easy creditcard details and such.
proxy internet attacks, botnet attacks, to spread virusses or malware just to name a few.
A unprotected home pc is worth a ton for a hacker.
On of my friends use to be a serious hacker and after a major scam he got caught by the police and did get some serious jailtime punishment.
Now he is one of the major network security experts at the interpol office (Den Haag) due to his great knowlegd and skills.
And you would be suprised how mutch worth a “home” pc to the serious hacker is.
Many people including network admins/operators and Ict organisations do not have a clue what is really out there.
Fact is that security programs are always a step behind (Or 2) when it comes to hackers and such.
14 years old Kids (Script kiddies) hack million dollar organisations networks like that without putting alot of effort in it.
Now imagin what a serious hacker could do?
Internet security is just as strong as its weakest link does allow it to be in this case a low protected server or home user…
This is not Rocket science or anything…these are the basic’s of the internet.
OK, maybe the topic is old, but i decide to type…
The hacker create!
The Cracker Destroy!
COMODO Have a very powerfull firewall protection.It can protect you from unwanted attacks like DOS/DDOS/FLOOD.
Will explain…
Flood is a type of attack, whitch one attacks the internet connection with fake packets and it STOPS!
DDOS is the most powerfull attack, it comes from alot of - we crackes call them ZOMBIES.
alot of zombies attacking you and it can do big damage of your network and PC.
If you want to protect from the CRACKERS, you should configure your firewall corectly and to be very carefull about, where you sharing your information.
Kevin Mitnick was say:
“weakest link in any computer system are its users”
This are the SOC.ENg. attacks (Social Engineering)
Be carefull what files you taking(RAT/Keyloggers), where you login(phishing) and etc…
The internets never 100% safe trust me on that one just use it with cear and that what you do with it,
When one line if your on line we can see you lol