Guys you need to stack up your game and improve the signatures

Comodo is an antivirus that should not have been tested.
Since I’ve added an extra spot in the paid list, Comodo has inherited its place.
The program behaves like a free security suite.

Web: 9/9 including 3 anti-malware reactions. Comodo will use its Sandbox to protect the system.

■■■■■: 1/1, reaction from its anti-malware engine.

Pack: 77 out of 111, the worst score ever!
One thing’s for sure: Comodo’s anti-malware engine is very bad!
At runtime, Comodo will mainly use its Sandbox. Some VirusScope detections, but rather weak. I had to restart the VM twice because the Unicorn worm was saturating my RAM…
During analysis, a few traces are present despite the Sandbox, but nothing alarming.
It’s 4th because its Web protection is non-existent, its anti-malware engine is clearly lagging behind and it relies entirely on the Sandbox, which I certainly find a good protection, but I’d have liked to see something else…
@Melih @ilgaz @C.O.M.O.D.O_RT @Umut


Yes, everyone knows Comodo’s/Xcitium’s malware database sucks

That’s why the overwhelming majority of users only use CFW instead of CIS or CAV with windows defender as a virus scanner

I see there on that link that windows defender “won” the contest.

MSD fails to stop a lot of APT-malware that’s currently going around, including the most common kind of malware in circulation right now, data-stealers.

Comodo FW is good at prevention, but bad at detection

all of the conventional AVs out there are sometimes good at detection, but whether or not they can prevent anything from happening is up in the air

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Xcitiums VirusScope is really good but their anti malware engines is bad only that if they can improve a bit

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What we are asking is to improve detection more!
Is it really that difficult?

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We “Proactively neutralize unknown threats by virtualizing their attack vectors”
It is MUCH MORE powerful than “Reactive Detection” Technologies that fails to detect what they don’t detect!

With our new tech, we detect “EVERYTHING” and classify it and protect you from the potential harm… think about it!!! We are the only company who detects

And Proactively neutralize and new executable that is unknown by virtualizing their attack vectors. Also have a clear process of what to do for each category.

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Read about “Tri-Detection” here…

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Then read this and learn how we are introducing the “Third Tech Stack” on the endpoint.

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@Melih i understand all of that but the thing that would make Xcitium powerfull is just to improve the signatures and any unknown if its not known to Contain it just like you said


@Melih If you imrpove the detection you will make more money and other users will start to use Xcitium more and more we all just want from Xcitium to improve a bit the detection and all the rest to contain and classify as good or bad


Xcitium on the test only picked up 34 out of 111 with signatures and if you improve the detection a bit lets say it detects 90 out of 111 that would be awesome and the left unknown contain and analyze its that simple?


@Melih We only want that to just improve the detection and all of the rest unknowns to Auto-Contain and analyze


It will make Xcitium more powerfull and as well you will get more money and more customers


@Melih Just like you improved VirusScope we want the same thing for the Realtime Scan to improve it and make it more powerfull i can give you the sources of where i get the malware from and then you can improve the signatures


I made a thread on how to improve the detection rate for Xcitium Sources of where i get malware from so CIS could potentially improve detection Now @Melih you know the sources and now you can improve the detection rate for Xcitium at least 3 times better then before Please :pray:


but every unknown goes to our Threat labs and then converted into “known good or known bad”…

Yes but all i am saying is to imrpove the Realtime Scan(signatures) at least 3 times better and all left to contain and analyze and thats it nothing else


I know Valkyrie is really good and can improve detection but the AV Guys should manually blacklist also the files not just Valkyrie…


It should be that way AV Guys should upload files to Valkyrie but also manually blacklist files if they know its malware


if AV Guys know its a malware then they dont have to upload it to Valkyrie they manually should blacklist the files


@ipipirig and @FlorinG im talking to you guys if you guys know a file is malware then you guys should manually just blacklist the files and not upload it to Valkyrie…
Valkyrie is just if you do not know if its good or bad then you upload it to Valkyrie