'Gumblar' malware

Hi there, has anyone got any more info on this Malware and if it is not a scam, will COMODO protect us?

I would like to add myself to this topic (“thread”?) to hear what people’s opinions are, but as a new user I am not totally clear if just replying will do the trick. Gumblar seems to have got quite a few folk worried and I’m not certain if the defense is the firewall or an anti-virus program, or both! And if either have come up with an answer yet (I use Comodo and Avast).

I confess to only just hearing about this Gumblar,but on a very brief look on Google it appears to be yet another BO attack on Adobe products.Unless it uses an entirely new method of attack the CMF protection in CIS should block this.I’d need to read up on this further to be certain though.

Hi there,
I see several enquiries about Gumblar, but no responses yet from Comodo.
I have Defense+ set to Safe Mode. So am I protected?
Meanwhile Zone Alarm is taking full marketing advantage, telling us how to set up ‘ForceField’ for full protection. See http://www.zonealarm.com/security/en-gb/support/gumblar.htm
Is Defense+ the equivalent of ForceField?

On the other hand - on ZD-Net - I saw the thread (29 May, 2009):
Gumblar attack worse than Conficker, experts warn (Headline)
see http://talkback.zdnet.com/5208-9595-0.html?forumID=1&threadID=65042&messageID=1212973
You don’t even need A/V. Just apply the patch. Which was released back in October 2008.
I don’t even see why this is news. Essentially the headline should read:
“Foolish users who fail to patch their systems continue to be compromised”.

So where is the truth? The lowly consumer is left to ponder . . .
Can Comodo shed any light?

Thanks = John