anyone having trouble with the GUI like me or is it me? it seems like its in slow motion & makes my whole system to slow down.

You probably have a long list of rules for the Firewall and D+. That will make CIS slower when it is saving new rules.

Delete rules that are no longer necessary. Notice the purge button in the lists of rules for Firewall and D+. Another place to get rid off needless rules is in the list of files that Explorer is allowed to start (Defense + → Advanced → Computer Security Policy → select the rule for Explorer → Access Rights → push the button behind Run an executable → now remove needless entries under Allowed Applications).

thanks for your reply but I never have D on & I always hit thr purge button,as far as usless rules I have the stealth port wizard and thats it nothing more or less ,this sluggish GUI only happens in 4.0 version when I had 3.5 it was wonderfull.

I am having some of the same issues and I can make the GUI crash all the time, all I have to do is try to download a virus, hit clean and do that a few times and sooner or later the found virus window will pop up but only as a white box, then it locks up Firefox and if I guess where the clean button is, it works but the CUI crashes.

this morning I found a red circle with a slash across ran diagnosis nothing was found so I had enough with the 4.0 uninstalled it went back to 3.5 & everything is fine , what so funny is that it was saying defence isn’t working properly yet I never had Defence on to begin with.

I had the same problem a weeks ago but I dont remember how I did it. I hope that they could fix this problem soon but this is not happening lately