GUI Bug in Scanner Menu [M2016]

1: CCAV version:

2: OS version:
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64bit - Updated

3: What you did:
I just ran a scan on a folder with full of malware.

4: What you actually saw:
On scanner menu
I saw that the last detected item’s name did not fit the windows. The scrollbar is at edge of the bottom (by default)
The name of detection is un-important. All names didn’t fit the window…
Please see:

5: What you expected to happen or see:
Please fix this small UI problem. It is a fresh install…it is not updated from previous CCAV version. FYI

6: If possible attach a screenshot illustrating the GUI problem
Screenshot attached above.

Edit: On the 2. screenshot. The “J” letter is half hidden in “TrojWare” name

Should be fixed with newest CCAV version. Moving to resolved. If you still experience this issue please make a note here or PM a board moderator. Thanks.