Grand access to exe in a folder that's changing its name constantly

Hello, I have the free version of Comodo Firewall installed. I use it in “custom ruleset” mode.

My problem is Microsoft Sharepoint. I just want to allow it access the interrnet so I check the “remember my answer” tickbox and click “allow”. But in few days time a popup appears again. The reason seems to be the folder name that is constantly changing. For example:

If I grant the access to

then in a few days I’ll have to grant it again but this time the exe file is here:

Any tips how to handle this?

Ps: I post under “Help for v2” but I don’t know what the difference is between v2 and v3. I have the newest Comodo firewall installed, I think it’s 12.x or something, so way beyond v2 or v3.

Hi reptilefive,

Thank you for reporting.
May i know your CIS version and win version ?
And are you using any other security software other than CIS ?


Hello, and thank you for your reply. I don’t have CIS on my computer, only Comodo Firewall. This is a Windows 10 Pro and I’m not using anything other than Comodo. Plus there’s of course the mandatory Windows Defender Firewall and Virus & Threat protection running.

Hi reptilefive,

Thank you for providing the requested information.
May i know your CFW version ? you can check in the CFW about window.
Screenshot of the alert ?


The version seems to be and here’s the alert window and the file properties window of the exe in question:


Hi reptilefive,

Thank you for providing the requested information.
Let me check and update you.


Hi reptilefive,

Could you please enable the option “Create rules for safe application” in the firewall setting and then check the issue ?
Refer the attached pic:


Hi. If you replace the numbers which design the file by * it should allow all your files of the same category.
Hence you must allow : C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive*\Microsoft.SharePoint.exe
In my answer the \ before * disappears I don’t know why


Thank you for your suggestion. But I’m afraid I’m hesitant to use that option.

Hello, and thank you! I actually added this rule just moments before your reply and thought that I’ll see if this works in few days, when the folder name changes yet again. It’s great to get a confirmation that lthis might actually do the trick! I wouldn’t say this topic’s solved quite yet, but I’ll see how this goes…

It works great! This topic is SOLVED. Thank you.

My pleasure. You’re welcome.