Google Calendar Sync and Browser detected as Malware

Not sure if this is a false positive but my wife’s phone (same model as mine) is showing “Google Calendar Sync” as being infected with malware. This first occured under 2.3.291245.96 and is also being detected under 2.3.291759.97. Should I be concerned about this?


Phone: Orange San Francisco running 2.3.7 (CM 7.2.0)

Check the file on virus total they have an app on the app store. Great to know that comodo is still as proactive as ever in helping out their customers in this part of the forum!

I am not experiencing this issue :slight_smile:

CMS shows this as Malicious software on my phone as well.

LG Marquee
Google Calendar Sync is version 2.3.3.
Android version 2.3.4
MegaTron ROM version 6.2.5

VirusTotal shows it as ok.

Should we add it as Trusted?


Same version here. Looks like a false positive but will wait for confirmation from developers. Surprized others haven’t reported this here.


CMS 2.3.293084.125 (19.98) has now detected “Google Calendar Sync” (2.3.3) and “Browser” (2.3.7) as malware.


I installed AVG and AVAST and ran a scan and neither picked up anything suspicious. However, when trying to add both to the trusted list, this feature didn’t work. Is this a bug? Anyone else running CMS with CM 7.2.0 (Android 2.3.7) notice this?


Virus definition 22.100 seemed to fix this problem (or so I thought). Ran 5 full scans and nothing was detected, then all of a sudden “google calendar sync” started getting flagged again. Browser hasn’t been detected since but would like to know why calendar is now being flagged having previously passed ???.
