generic message from Windows: "livePCsupport Component stopped working and was c

I Installed CIS 6.2.282872.2847 Free yesterday on a very clean Vista 32-bit HP Pavilion. Did several restarts afterwards with nothing out of place. Shut down for the night.

This morning, shortly after startup, I got a generic message from Windows: “livePCsupport Component stopped working and was closed.”

Any ideas why?

Can you tell me more about “livePCsupport Component”? Like what it is supposed to do and when it is supposed to run?

I’m trouble-shooting an extremely subtle hinky behavior on this computer–some kind of nasty seems to hijack one or more of the normal desktop notification programs. Comodo may be vulnerable–or the nasty may just be grabbing the names of installed programs at random.

Although I have removed all files from Apple, Java, and Adobe (Except for Photoshop Elements 2), I’m not sure I’ve cleaned it out yet!

It’s possible the window is completely fake, and clicking on Close might bring something in. Not likely, I agree…but I’ve eliminated most of the likelys already. Info from you can help me determine if the window was legit…or not.

