GeekBuddy outside of the USA

Is GeekBuddy available for customers who live outside of the USA?

If it is, what is the UK fee for its usage?

If not, does Comodo have an equivalent for UK and overseas customers?

Hey Montana:

GeekBuddy is available worldwide 24/7 every day of the year. All our customers can get GeekBuddy services for just $49.95 USD per year. We also offer monthly prices and discounts for multi-year.
You can visit us at: Shopping Cart -> Bluesnap

GeekBuddy Staff

Thanks for the link and information on GeekBuddy.

I’ll keep a note for future reference.

Meanwhile, I see that Comodo also has an office in the UK, in Bradford. It’s good to see that Comodo has international offices and also support for customers worldwide for GeekBuddy.

If I take up this service, would I pay in US dollars or UK pounds?

$49.95 would work out at £31.61 at today’s exchange rate.

Would I pay in US dollars or UK pounds?

I believe comodo was actually founded in bradford,yorkshire.

It’s a small world. :slight_smile: