Game Mode + Sandbox


Just yesterday I started the Game Mode for the first time,
I had an exe which was infected so I ran it in SandBox (restricted) by right clicking…
The Game Mode was on at that time… I didnt get AV pop up sayin it was infected which later it did when Game Mode was turned off and I opened the folder containing the file…

Ok the exe was locked for sure by comodo bcoz when i tried to delete it, access denied was thrown to me…
I used IOBIT Unlocker to “unlock ANd Delete It”… Yes it happened, file was deleted…
I scanned my PC… not infected, I checked all corners where the trojan would have replicated and the registry entries it would have made otherwise… no trace… so no infection…

So my man concern is,
In “Game Mode”
1: Does The SandBox work the same?
2: Suppressing Pop Up of infected file, is that right to do (though the file is blocked) …
other pop up or update suppressed understood but why this…
3: Where Do I know or see what all processes are running in Sandbox and whether they are running or no…

Thx in Advance. ;D
and Apologies if you’ll feel my concerns are unnecessary or not worth to consider…

I Love This product a Lot, been using it for long…
Awesome piece…!! :love:

I would not use the game mode. You want to run one game, so this game needs a few rules. Why should your whole machine get affected by a rule that is meant for a game? :slight_smile: