Game Guard and Phantasy Star conflict

I’ve gone through a lot of problems in the past couple days with the Game Guard software and Phantasy Star Universe in game protection called Game Guard. Comodo will conflict with the gameguard.des file and the PSU.exe and PSUoffline.exe. Even completely exiting the firewall these applications will still have an error, i had to complete uninstall Comodo Firewall from my system for this error to go away. Any idea if this can be fixed in a later update for Comodo Firewall? it’s a shame i had to uninstall to play the game.

Hi, can you be more specific about the problem?
I have CPF and a lot of other online games that use Gameguard or nProtect with no problem whatsoever.
Have you tried to add the GameGuard files to the trusted list, yet?


Comodo Firewall alerts me that Gameguard.des (parent PSU.exe) is trying to send UDP traffic out to two IPs through port 53.

I’ve made two rules for each IP to allow UDP traffic in/out through port 53. When I start the game Comodo still blocks Gameguard.des from going out to these two IPs even though I set rules to allow it. I’ve already added both Gameguard.des and PSU.exe to the Component Monitor set to allow. What am I missing?

FIXED: I just needed to check the box that said “Allow invisible connections”. I didn’t know this was an invisible connection attempt even though I made a rule specifically for Gameguard.des.