FYI: COMODO Internet Security 3.5.57173.439 Update

Hi Guys,

We have issued an update to upgrade CIS to3.5.57173.439. The release notes will be refelected in the web site.

What is new?

IMPROVED! Virus database updating
FIXED! Defense+ does not prevent process access in memory
FIXED! Defense+ does not properly protect some processes in Windows XP 64
FIXED! Signed executables could not be recognized in 64 bit operating systems
FIXED! AV updates does not work in Windows Vista under certain circumstances
FIXED! Windows security center still reports CIS after uninstallation
FIXED! Cmdagent.exe crashes while being uninstalled in Windows Vista/XP 64

You should be getting the update notifications from your updaters shortly.

Download locations:


Size: 27.2 MB (28,610,824 bytes)


Size: 41.9 MB (43,944,712 bytes)


I was hoping this update would fix the “problems” I was having (and other people who have CIS in Proactive Security and who do not set all trusted apps as trusted), such as, everytime I wish to save a file (page, zip, etc) with my browser, there come the red alerts for everything D+ can think of. Then, the next time I open the browser, same old story; when I want to import, for example, zip files, within other apps, there come the alerts again. Again D+ won’t remember either I allow or block. The same goes for my batch files. I actually had to set cmd.exe as a trusted app, so that D+ wouldn’t bother me.

So, I start to wonder, why the heck do I even bother reporting such bugs? They never get fixed. Does it take it too much hard work to solve it? If yes, then I apologize for seeming sort of rude, but you guys sure will understand that it is quite upsetting to have to answer the very same alerts everytime we do the same task over and over again.

Have you guys even tried to reproduce such issues, for example, with the batch file I provided? Of course, you also need to get Hostsman, which is a freeware application.

One thing would be for D+ to alert us as it should do. One other is to always ask us the same everytime. I just wish this update would fix it, but clearly didn’t. So, do I (and all other users in same position) have to wait 1 more week, 2 more weeks, 3 more weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 1 year? Will never come out a solution? I just don’t know what to think anymore. All I know is that I either accept being constantly bugged by D+ or just add all my apps as trusted apps, which is something I clearly wish not, as there is no such need.

Edit: One other thing which has not been solved with this update is the time the alerts take to appear between each other.

Best regards


Please use bug reporting section and bug reporting rules while reporting the bugs. I have gone over your posts before but could not understand your problem.

Using a bat file that modifies some files will surely generate an alert. Thats all i understood from your previous posts.

Thanks for your feedback.

I’m sorry I couldn’t explain my self better when I first reported such bugs and so that I won’t be understood again, it will be very easy to reproduce such bugs, by you guys.

You just have to set a virtual machine, unless you wish to do it in real system, and install Opera and Firefox browsers (as such issues won’t happen with IE that I know of. No relative of mine complainted, so…) and then set install CIS and set it to Proactive Security. Then start to save web pages, zip files, etc with both browsers and you guys will know what I am talking about. No more misunderstoods.

I believe we all wish to see such bugs go away, so the best way for you guys to solve them, is to reproduce them. That way you guys will know what I am talking about, the bugs will be solved and everyone will be happy.


Best regards

Edit: Forgot to say that, of course, both browsers would have to be set with custom policies and not as trusted apps. Otherwise, no alerts will appear. :wink:

Thank you Egemen and Comodo team for another quality update (Y) went smoothly and I nocticed improvements :slight_smile:

I guess, problem here is not with Defence Plus. U might not be understanding how to configure the rules for your browsers.

Allow your browser full file access to your download folder and a temp folder. No more pop ups. I download every thing on my desktop and my rules for Opera are as follows.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Thanks Comodo & Egemen for the update, everything running fine here :-TU
Cheers :■■■■
Xman (:KWL)

Update went fine. Really hope this fixes the AV updating problem for others.


Thanks for the update and the good choice of bugfixes. (B) (R)

I updated it with the updater and all seems to be functioning.

What exactly is the virus database improvement?

I’d like to know too. Unless this has something to do with the “No internet connection” problem, but it looks like that is this fix: “FIXED! AV updates does not work in Windows Vista under certain circumstances”

Now there are some notifications during the background virus updates so that you will notice that a virus update is in progress.

We also made some improvements so that during an update, your computers will be more responsive.


Yes, this program version update fixed the problem where the virus signature database wouldn’t update on some Vista computers when the CIS Helper Service was set to logon to Local System account. After installing this update, I changed the CIS Helper Service logon back to Local System account, rebooted, and checked manually to see if CIS would update the virus signature database. The message that I got was ‘The virus signature database is up-to-date’. This program version update to .439 solved this problem on my computer anyway. I guess we won’t know for sure if this .439 update works for everyone until we hear from other people who were having this problem, especially the ones that the logon account workaround would not help.

Nice. 8) (R)

Worked for me. Thanks!
Great work Comodo!


Thanks for the new update! :■■■■ (V)

Thanks. I havn’t seen any issues in the earlier build, but thanks anyway! (L)


I think i have the same problem, there is a problem with ProActive and Checking Protected Files and Folders for .dll files. I have had multiple alerts for the same file somename.dll i ended up with multiple entries under the Protected Files and Folders for it. I could workaround it by changing the filepath from C:\Windows\system32\zipfldr.dll to C?\Windows\system32\zipfldr.dll so there is something wrong with the : char in the path filtering. Multiple applications having the same problem.

Running Vista SP1, x32, Normal User, D+ Settings “Personal Modified ProActive Security”

[attachment deleted by admin]

I forgot I could do that. Still, it would only be a workaround and not solving the problem, as the problem would still be there. One just wouldn’t noticed it because of that workaround.

So, I appreciate your feedback and will do that, but the problem still exists. Thanks.

Best regards

Your workaround worked like a charm! That way, no full access and no more bugging me. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing it.

Best regards

Hmm interesting. Can you please export the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Software\Comodo\Firewall Pro

and send to me? Let me try to reproduce it with your configurations.
