future for cavs

i know from past posts on cavs that it mainpart of security was/is the hips but now that cpf v3 is including hips what will cavs be concentrating on,detection signatures?

Sort of. It will co-operatively leverage the firewalls HIPS and I believe that BOCLean will be sort of merged into CAVS in the future.

Stay tuned.

Ewen :slight_smile:

I believe that BOCLean will be sort of merged into CAVS in the future.

It’s good if they are merging it…but, I think they should keep boclean as standalone software as well…
what say??? :slight_smile:

They will! Many people have that want, so BOClean will stay alone too (as far as I know, from reading posts here).


Detection will most definitely improve.
CFP and CAV will work in an efficient manner like no other Firewall and AV ever before.
Boclean will be integrated into CAV at some stage, but it will also be available as a stand alone.

bottom line: we will give you a ■■■■ cool product that protects you!


bottom line: we will give you a ■■■■ cool product that protects you!


OHhhhh, 'am so excited about that one!!! :BNC

Plz make it soon…we r waiting… :THNK

This is interesting, as I believe words from Comodo staff have never been empty. If Melih says the future software will work like no other firewall and AV ever before, I think the giants of the security market have to beware even more (they’re probably already to some extent afraid of CPF)!



(they're probably already to some extent afraid of CPF)!

I agree… (:WIN)


(:CLP) (:CLP) (:CLP)

I have been using CAVS -CFW-BOC for a long time on 32 based system.I switched to X64, and now I am without my favorite security software.As you say we will have to wait until next year for x64 based COMODO ,so please, can you suggest me what to use until than?I am so used to COMODO that now I have no idea how to fill the gap.
And, HURRY UP please!!!
Greetings from Serbia
One love !


You can use the beta of Comodo Firewall, that supports 64 bit, and BOClean fully supports 64 bit.

Antivirus support for 64 bit is still under development.

Now it is October! When will be released the next version of cav?
