Full Scan aborted

As stated, now the full scan continually aborts itself at 97%. It used to be fine but sometime in the last couple weeks, it began doing this.

I am a windows 10 user, and my comodo is the free version, program and databases current. (Product version, Database version: 32179, websites database: 53737). I did try the diagnostics that is offered in the ? section of the program but it said it found errors it could not fix. It made a report, which I am linking. (Or trying to)


Hello Sohno,

Thank you for reporting.Are you still facing this issue while full scanning your PC?Please let me know.
Diagnostics Issue : It’s an known issue and our developers are working in it.Once resolved let me notify you.
Have a nice day!

Kind Regards,

Yes, it is an ongoing issue. It does it every time I attempt a full scan, always at 97%. The last time it was able to complete a scan (Not aborting itself) was Feb 24, it says.

Editing in: After my latest defragging, windows update, and restart, now it aborted at 90% instead of 97%.

Hello Sohno,

As I checked with our dev team member,this issue is fixed and it will be reflected in the upcoming stable release.
Have a nice day!

Kind Regards,