Free Virus/Spyware/Trojan/Malware removal by Comodo Experts 24/7/365

My computer is infected with trojan & virus’s can you help me out?

Sorry to hear about that.

Please open a topic in Virus/Malware Removal Assistance and follow this guideline: What to do if you’re infected - eXPerience Rev.3.

Keep us posted in the new topic.

Hi, i hope i’ve joined the right forum. I’m getting an MALWAR 8083595 error when i try to run a game, how can i remove it? Noemaol Comodo scan hasn’t found it.


Are you sure this game is clean from malware, installed it from an official CD, then it may be a false positive.

In that case open a topic in False Positive/Negative reporting - (Is this a malware that CIS has/not detected?) following this tutorial: How to report False Positives/Suspicious Files & How to Submit them

Hi guys, just wondering if you can read mine cause feelin a bit iffy on a few bad stuff comodo’s been gettin up but the same trojan keeps gettin at me. hope you can take a look and help me out! :slight_smile:

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You can register for the 30 day free LivePcSupport service. It requires a credit card to register but you are not charged for 30 days. So you can cancel anytime during that 30 days. What I would recommend, go ahead register let our experts take a deep look and try to clean it for you…and if you don’t think this service for you for future, just cancel it before the 30 days is up. At least u got an expert who is trained at cleaning PCs to clean it for you for free! :slight_smile:


Hi! need to find out how i can remove the “You make me blush…BITE ME!” talking ad…it some how got into my pc! now its always repeating that annoying message!

I have COMODO, can it work?


Please HELP ME!!!


Can you help my please I hove some virusis and I don’t want to lose my compiutor of my folders please help my. >:(

Please follow What to do if you’re infected - eXPerience Rev.3 and report back in a new topic in the Virus/Malware Removal Assistance board.


Hi hokahey,

1) please never post in all capital letters – that is considered as shouting and swearing according to common ethic rules in any forum

2) never double-post. You posted the same message into the wrong section & wrong thread (there is a reply by Chiron about that in another section )

3) Closer to the request :

  • provide more info about your system;
  • posting just the name of the infection says nothing & pretty much useless;
  • submit the particular file that was flagged to Comodo developers for analysis
    as described here

4) From your description Comodo is flagging on of its own files from "…\Program Files\Comodo.…”
That may happen but usually when the security flags its own component that is a False Positive. So again - submit

Do you have auto-quarantine or auto-deletion set in AV?
If so, disable that and set to Alert only (and never use such option with any security)
At this moment, according to your very brief description – it seems like Comodo is trying to quarantine or delete its own component and/or probably something else, which is vital and that causes the system to crash

My regards

How do I get this service and where?
I have infected registry keys that wont delete “access denied” ???
“permission not granted” “you do not have permissions” "I think its “Download Murlo” and “VIRUT BM”
The registry keys cant be deleted…how go about?

Hi albertgonzo , welcome to the forum

1st, be extremely careful with removing Registry Entries
The detections can be False Positives
Not every thing security is flagging is true - you have to investigate if you are not sure

Then you are not providing any information neither about your System Environment
(OS; service packs; platform; what security is in place… etc.)
nor about what is flagged and by what?

Another point is - this thread (initially) is very old (May 04, 2008!)and the links provided by Melih are not working “the domain is for sale” it says ???
I have no idea why mods did not take care about that since … that’s not funny, actually

At least please follow the advices (and respectively the links) posted by EricHJ above - that may lead you to the right direction

My regards

Melih recently edited the starting post to point to Geekbuddy now.

I have run a few scans with Comodo and it is reporting a rootkit virus, I am totally lost as how to get rid of this or if it is just a false positive.

Here are the results of the last scan:
Rootkit.HiddenFile@0 c:\Users\Vince\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\c4drzawd.default\cookies.sqlite-journal
Rootkit.HiddenFile@0 c:\DkHyperbootSync

The scan before that was connected to a few index.dat files

Any help would be most appreciated!

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Hi vflflyer ,

Cookies are never presenting any threats whatsoever
Just Clean temporary file location/ Java cache & alike / cookies prior to scanning using any security irrespectively
Do not manage Cookies by any security. Most of them have an option to disable that
You can use either your Brouser features and/or Tools like CCleaner prior to any scan

In addition use proper AV solution not the Comodo’s one
Firewall is strong ; Defense+ is a decent HIPS … other components - just … forget about’em

My regards

Before cleaning the cookies please consider submitting this file to Comodo as a false positive following How to report False Positives - Please read this before submitting !. That would greatly help Comodo.

What about the rootkit.hidden[at]0 c:\DkHyperbootSync? That is related to Diskeeper.

I am not worry about the cookies as I know how to get rid of them.

I will do another scan and the results will be different, I will post them.

Pleaser report in the other topic in the Anti Virus Help board. That is a better place for your problem.

I am going to try this let you know .Thanks