Free Firewall - version 4.1.150349.920

I think I’ve put this post in the wrong place, so feel free to move it if it is.

I’ve updated my Comodo firewall to this version, but it’s driving me nuts! The previous version had an option to set it to installation mode so that if you’re installing or uninstalling a program there were no annoying popups telling you that something or other was trying to change some registry key and did you approve or not!.

With the previous version I could leave it and go and do something else during installation/uninstallation but with this one I have to sit over it all the time to give it permission to allow all these registry changes.

Am I missing something here? IS there a function to switch into some other mode, or has it been removed in this version?

When you want to install a file, you must by the alert choose the option" treat this applications as" - “Installer or Updater”. The installation mode was replaced with this option.
I hope this will help you.

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D’uh! I didn’t see that option at the bottom there :P. It was at the top last time. My only excuse is that it was late at night when I tried it!