Free AV and FW gone?


I notices something:

Version 4.1.150349.920: 9 June, 2010

Version 4.1.150349.920: 9 June, 2010

What are advertised as the free versions of FW and AV are actually…

  1. the same file (43.627.008 bytes from 9 June 2010)
  2. is actually “COMODO Internet Security Premium”

Is this correct?

As this point, what can I do to have the free FW and AV products running?

Thank you.

They are still free, just the name was changed.

You can still choose to install only certain components.

As an example if you wanted to install only the firewall you would disable the AV component.

Thanks guys. I don’t know what happened, but I originally wasn’t prompted for which product to install.

After downloading and rerunning the two installers (AV and FW), but checking the “Don’t install packages” option, turns out that…

cav_installer_x86.exe = CAV_Setup.msi + CFP_Setup.msi + lpcsetup_3.0.131727.7.msi
cfw_installer_x86.exe = CFP_Setup.msi

I find it strange that the AV product includes the FW product.

Anyway, running the former did let me choose which products to install, and Comodo AV/FW is working OK now. I only disabled the new Sandbox feature since it was driving me crazy.

Thanks for the help.