Flash Plugin

I can not up the flash plugin. I get a message that says flash plugin was blocked because it is outdated. the update plugin fails to instal, the browser goes to the Adobe website but will not connect. Any suggestions ??

Hi c.maletich,
I am presuming you mean when using Dragon so I have moved this to Dragon help apologies if I am wrong.

Try the following,
Under the hood un-tick the following if you have this ticked Do not allow websites to know where you came from (suppress HTTP Referrer header).

Alternative, download the plug-in (Non-IE) installer from here and execute it with Dragon closed.
Kind regards.

that fix appears to have solved my problem.
this was my first time using the forum.
thank you,
C. Maletich

Hi c.maletich,
Glad to hear it is working and welcome to the Forum.

when comodo dragon ever come with built in flashplayer and pdf viewer like google chrome has in it