Fix your scan before you force it on us

We have to use malwarebytes to scan, as comodo scans about 1% per 1 hour. This is completely unacceptable, of course.
However, starting yesterday, the scans launch themselves as they please, with no setting I could find to turn them off.
It is highly annoying, as it results in a slower working PC overal.


We have to use malwarebytes to scan, as comodo scans about 1% per 1 hour. This is completely unacceptable, of course.
May you please try latest CCAV?
However, starting yesterday, the scans launch themselves as they please, with no setting I could find to turn them off. It is highly annoying, as it results in a slower working PC overal.

There was a bug and it was fixed on 14th Mar v469 release.
