Firewall v4.0.14+uTorrent


                          Because of a bug you must change the rule 4 (for 
                          HTTP requests) to allow. I hope this will be 
                          resolved with the next updates.

Has rule 4 been fixed in v4.0.14?

If so, what do I set rule 4 too?

Add the following rules:

                          Rule 1
                          Action = Allow 
                          Protocol = TCP or UDP
                          Direction = In
                          Description = Rule for incoming TCP and UDP 
                          Source Address = Any
                          Destination Address = Any
                          Source port = A port range = (start port = 1025 / 
                          end port = 65535)
                          Destination port = the port of utorrent

                          Rule 2
                          Action = Allow 
                          Protocol = TCP
                          Direction = Out
                          Description = Rule for outgoing TCP connections
                          Source Address = Any
                          Destination Address = Any
                          Source port = A port range = (start port = 1025 / 
                          end port = 65535)
                          Destination port = A port range = (start port = 
                          1025 / end port = 65535)

                          Rule 3
                          Action = Allow 
                          Protocol = UDP
                          Direction = Out
                          Description = Rule for outgoing UDP connections
                          Source Address = Any
                          Destination Address = Any
                          Source port = the port of utorrent
                          Destination port = A port range = (start port = 
                          1025 / end port = 65535)

                          Rule 4
                          Action = Ask (enable Log as a firewall event if 
                          this rule is fired)
                          Protocol = TCP
                          Direction = Out
                          Description = Rule for HTTP requests
                          Source Address = Any
                          Destination Address = Any
                          Source port = A port range = (start port = 1025 / 
                          end port = 65535)
                          Destination port = 80

                          Rule 5
                          Action = Block (enable Log as a firewall event if 
                          this rule is fired)
                          Protocol = IP
                          Direction = In/OUT
                          Description = Block and Log All Unmatching 

Source Address = Any
Destination Address = Any
IP Details = Any

                          3. Start utorrent. When Comodo asks you with a 
                          popup, choose Treat this application as select 
                          utorrent and enable Remember my answer.

Additional Notes

                        Because of a bug you must change the rule 4 (for 
                          HTTP requests) to allow. I hope this will be 
                          resolved with the next updates.

I dont know why rule 4 would be set to ask for HTTP, so I would set it to allow and it should work without any problems.



This info on uTorrent was written back with v439 of COMODO’s firewall, I install v4.0.14 today, seems to be working /better/ and a few other thing are working here now. :slight_smile:


What is the bug? You don’t get asked? Doesn’t it remember the answer when asked?