Firewall update?

Hello i never saw any message like Comodo is updating or something, and i wonder how often does Comodo (firewall only) updates? is there anyway to make show update status bar or something to confirm that auto - updates actually work? or is there a way to chek when does the latest update finish?

Here is the version i’m running at the moment,

5.3 176757.1236

Anyone? :frowning:

I got that too. I didn’t check what it was but I assume it may have been for the Trusted Software Vendors List/

Thanks for the replay, but i’m not quite sure what your saying, can you be more specific?

1.How often does usually Comodo firewall update
2.How can i see when was the latest update performed
3.Is there option to show autoupdate message?

Do you have the same version of Firewall as mine? (i got firewall only installed)


Updates for the actual program are not there very often.

2.How can i see when was the latest update performed
You can't. I don't know how mow many times a day it checks to see if there are program updates
3.Is there option to show autoupdate message?
Do you have the same version of Firewall as mine? (i got firewall only installed)


Thanks! :wink:

One more thing a bit offtopic, when i turn off all Comodo modules even after restart they are not re-enabeled automatic, and there is no pop-up or message warninng about it, there is no warning even after you use game mode. So this usually result in forgeting by the user to re-enable maximum protection, just an suggestion to be look for in the future release of your almost perfect product :-TU

Please add your support inA Timer or Warning, Please!. This is on a lot of people’s wish list.