Firewall review with voting

Please go to this site and vote for Comodo. There is also a lot of good info about many PFs.

Yup, done my part. Seriously, if half of us here were to vote, that would be really great.

Yours truly,

■■■■, ZoneAlarm got more publicity, but it sucks, a lot. COMODO PF ALL THE WAY!!! (J) (R) (V)

Done. But, who would vote Windows firewall over Comodo and BlackIce :o ::slight_smile:

It offers no where near as much security, inbound or outbound :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

This is why its upto every one of us to educate people out there! Its not their fault, they simply don’t know and we should inform them.


Well Mike,

Truth to be told, there was a point in time where I favour IE over Firefox, although I know that Firefox provide better security. I was so used to IE and did not feel the need to change. I have been using IE for 4 years without any problem of virus because my computer was secured with Firewall and AV softwares. I just love IE then.

Likewise, the question posted on the site is ‘Your FAVOURITE personal firewall families?’. I am not surprised at all as this is the effect of Microsoft’s strategy of bundling things together with Windows. I mean since I am already provided with a Firewall, why bother to change. This is just the beginning of Microsoft’s entrance into the security arena. With the rollout of Windows Live OneCare, just watch out for Microsoft dominance in this arena again, if they were to start bundle WLOC with Windows as a standard configuration.

Yours truly,


I agree. People will just assume that it is the best possible setup for their PC just because of the dominance MS has in the OS market. Teach, Inform, Educate, PROMOTE Comodo… (L)

Hey guys,

I don’t know whether you realised this or not but half an hour ago, the votes for Comodo is less than 3.8%, now it is 4.++%. What do you guys think? ;D :wink: :smiley:


Yours truly,

Done. OT: Wow, that’s a whole lot of firewalls that I had never heard of and won’t be trying.


I’ve already done some informing of Comodo, and will keep it up - until everyone I know knows Comodo :wink:

That’s a good point. I’d never looked at it this way before, so I guess - like Melih said - people need to be more informed and it’s up to us to do it.


Yup Mike, it is up to us to educate people. Erm, do you know of a good article that explains the need of a firewall? I mean I have a friend who is a Windows Firewall user and believes firmly in it. He says that there is no point of installing a third party firewall as it slows down traffic and blocks user from playing online games.

I mean I know the purpose of a good firewall but am not in a very good postition to explain it to him. The worst thing of all, he is computer literate. Perhaps there is a previous thread that states the need for a firewall?

Yours truly,

p/s: Arguing with him will take me nowhere. He is quite good in computer.

Hello everyone,

I know it can sound like an advert :slight_smile: but try our article on this.

Here is its perex:

What is a personal firewall? Do I need a personal firewall? Do I need it if I already have an antivirus installed? Which personal firewall is the best and how do I recognize a bad personal firewall? What are the main tasks of a personal firewall? How about personal firewalls and non-Windows systems? In the following article you can find lot of information about personal firewalls and also answers on these questions. In short we can say that personal firewalls are very sophisticated software and we do recommend users to use them but we also recommend to choose the final product very carefully.

Thanks David. I will send that link to him. :slight_smile: There is still one problem, my friend’s biggest arsenal in his argument is that he has been using the Internet for years without getting infected by virus. That’s pretty hard for me to counter, perhaps he is just lucky like me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, what does matousec means? Is it in Cantonese?

Yours truly,

Also DoomScythe there is a nice discussion in FAQ for the firewall:,979.msg6015.html#msg6015

It’s all about the need for a firewall and what it can do and help protect you from.

About never being infected, he must be extremly lucky. That, or his computer is not plugged in and is never used.



The thing is he always surf the Internet and even been to shody sites that offer cracks and keygens. And he is telling me that he has never been bitten before. How far it is true, I don’t know.

Yours truly,

To be honest, I do not even use the Windows firewall … but this is nothing I can recommend to common users, I do not use any Antivirus software too. If the guy you are talking about is computer expert then it can be ok to use no Antivirus, no Personal Firewall, no Antispyware etc. If you can recognize malware in hexeditor, you know which processes are running on your system and know how to prevent rootkits running on your system … you do not need third party software.

But if we speak about common or even advanced users, not system programmers, I will recommend using at least Personal Firewall for sure. And we know that the vast majority of people we are dealing with are not system programmers …

Nice :). Since my last name and also (accidentally) the last name of my colleague is ‘Matousek’ with the wedge above “s” I think “matousec” means nothing :). Just little change of one letter to make it sound more cool and compatible with “security” word. More on this is on about-us page on our site.

Wow! that is shocking. Normally it takes around 15 - 20 minutes for a computer to be infected without a firewall, and probably a matter of seconds visiting any dodgy sites. He is also at risk as his ports are open and subject to a port scan allowing a hacker to see that his PC exists at the IP address - even with closed ports the hacker can see he’s there and attack at a later time when the ports are open. A firewall will stealth these ports regardless and the PC will appear invisible to any passing scanners, as the firewall will only allow requested data and will detect the port scan and block it.

Does he ever do any sort of malware scan or does he say he is fine because his computer has no problems? I’m guessing if it’s the latter and he were to do a scan he might be surprised at what is found.


Thanks for the reply David. My friend is a half-programmer. He programs simple scripts like MIRC and PHP but not more than that. I would rate him as a guy who know’s what’s going on in his PC and where to look for a cure but he is definitely not into hardcore programming

Well Mike, you see, my friend is an odd fella. He believes in running a AV software and a spyware scanner. He is using Spyware Doctor (which is one of the best spyware scanner) and runs scans regularly. The ONLY security thing he does not believe in is Firewall.

I guess he knows what he is doing. But looking it from another perspective, not having a firewall for him isn’t that bad afterall, condering all of the precautions he takes. I guess he just lookout for every steps he takes.

Yours truly,

p/s: By the way, the Spyware Doctor he uses is a cracked version. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I guess in that case I can sort of understand why he may not have been infected as the resident scanners would detect most malware when it was downloaded, although he would probably have been notified. However, he is still susceptible to malware that don’t write to a disk and attack in other ways - which a firewall should block. Also, he is still susceptible to port scans.


Yup, I agree. I think he is more like the type of guy who holds a shotgun and sit inside of his house. He would shoot any intruder that walks in to his house without his permission. I guess people like you and me prefer the less hassle way where we just lock our doors and shut the ■■■■ problem out from our house.

I think this is just more of a preference of the way of keeping the bad guys from reaching us. (Of course, if the bad guy that came into my friend’s house wears a bullet-proof vest, then he is in for big time trouble)

Yours truly,