Firewall only install

I had an earlier verson of Comodo firewall installed, tried to update but the update maxed out the processor and hung the machine copying some files. I uninstalled Comodo.

I then d/l and installed the latest version of Outpost free but during install it hung the laptop on reboot. So I powered off, rebooted to safe mode and uninstalled it.

Back to Comodo and downloaded the latest CIS product understanding that I could install the firewall as a standalone (I’m happy with my AV). During the install, it gives three options for the firewall with basic, optimum, and maximum options… but little if any explanation as to what they do. I chose the default optimum installation. During the install, it then went online to d/l AV signatures. So now I’m confused. i thought I installed the firewall only… not the CIS AV program.

How can I know if I installed the firewall as a standalone (which is what I wanted to do) or if I somehow installed the AV portion too? I don’t want to run two av programs.

Edit: it is now scanning my system. I don’t know what it’s looking for. Is this an AV scan?

There is an option during installation to deselect the AV.

Yep, and that’s the option I checked (or unchecked, as appropriate). But it still d/l’d the av signatures and scanned my PC after the fact. So how can I know if ONLY the FW was installed and not the AV?

If you deselected the AV during install, then it is not available to you.

The CIS installation does perform an AV scan but this is done purely to establish a baseline. Obviously, the installer includes a signature DB and the code to perform the scan, but if you deselected it during the install, the AV functionality is not available after the installation and initial scan has completed.

Hope this helps,
Ewen :slight_smile:

Thanks Ewen. So that was normal behavior for a FW only install. Good to know.

Would the AV component show up under the uninstall program list in XP?

If you mean would it show up if you had selected to install the AV, then the answer is NO. CIS would appear, but the AV would not be listed as a separate entity.

If, on the other hand, you mean would it show up if you had not selected to install the AV, then the answer is NO. CIS would appear, but the AV would not be listed as a separate entity. :wink:

FYI, you can add and remove the AV if you want without uninstalling CIS. If you run the COMODO INTERNET SECURITY → UNINSTALL OR UPGRADE start menu item, you are offered the option to add or remove the components of CIS, one of which is the AV.

Hope this helps,
Ewen :slight_smile: