firewall not on when switching users

i have just reinstalled windows and so reinstalled comodo firewall

when i come off pc i press windows key and l to switch users.

if another family member uses pc when i go back into my account i see the following msg for a second or 2…

your computer might be at risk comodo firewall pro is turned off

click this balloon to fix

the comodo icon is in the task bar and does not appear to have stopped

does comodo stop running on one account when you switch users?

could this be a false msg i am getting?

never had this problem before i reinstalled xp

I have the same problem, running the firewall on XP Home sp2. The Firewall switches off on its own while switching between user accounts. First i thought i had a virus or something, but now i am starting to beleive its a bug in the firewall.


Its seems to be a bug in the current version

Some users are having issues with user-switching, where they cannot access the firewall. Here’s some further info from that…,7036.0.html The development team is aware of it.

lisa200, it almost sounds like what you’re getting is a Windows Security Center popup due to the CFP GUI (application-side) of the firewall being late in the load order when logging in to Windows.

At any rate, here’s how you can have confidence in the fact that the firewall’s running.

Go to Start/Run, type “devmgmt.msc”. Then go to View/Show Hidden Devices. Scroll down to NonPlugNPlay Drivers. You’re looking for entries: Comodo Application Engine, Comodo Network Engine. As long as they are operating normally (ie, no red “x” or yellow “!”) then you’re good to go. Here’s the crux of the biscuit ~ CPF.exe is not the core of the firewall; it’s only the user interface, so even if it’s slow to load, you’re still protected from boot by the core of it all…

Hope that helps,


ok… ilogged into another account on my pc which i had changed from limited user to admin and checked in the task manager… here i could see that comodo was actually still running in my account :BNC

thanks for all replies :■■■■
