Firewall help

After reading all the information on free firewalls on various internet sites, CIS comes out tops !. Installed yesterday everything went smoothly .Turned laptop on today says its connected to my isp but it wont allow me to connect to the internet. If i disable the firewall it will connect ok .Obviously it’s a set up issue but i can’t see what else i have to enter in the Network zones .

Sorry fogot to add running Vista and IE8
Any hellp greatly appreciated .

Hello, have you checked to see if IE8 are blocked from the internet?

You can do that under Firewall> Advanced > Network security policy (application rules)…
(Most internet related block/allow rules can be found here)

Also you can check Firewall > Common tasks > My blocked network zones…
(for eventual blocks)

Good luck. =]

Have set up my firewall using Kyle’s excellent setup feature;msg219892#msg219892

So fingers crossed everything seems ok at the moment :-TU