Firewall events

Hello while checking mine firewall events i see some strange blocking communications attempts what is this meaning:

ICMP source port type(3) destination port code (1) (12) (13)

i can’t figure out what is going wrong or the security is not correct tuned who have any idea

What are your global rules? Post a screen shot of both. If Comodo is blocking it then Comodo is working.

i have made printscreen of the global rules

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Your global rules look good. I actually don’t use global rules. Are you behind a router or a modem with a hardware firewall?

I use an DSL WLAN from Fritz!Box fon WLAN 7170 but i use not the WLAN function, there is an buildin firewall but you can’t change nothing there. I see only an function for port forwarding and there is nothing more have you any idea where the firewall settings are it is very strange that you can’t change anything see also the attachement

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Did you look at all the tabs? I have a 2Wire Gateway DSL modem. Very easy to configure the firewall.